Bera Holding Group has been the pioneer of a new economic breakthrough in Anatolia with its multi-partnered structure and working system based on profit and loss ...
12.90 Billion TL Turnover
Bera Holding Completed 2023 with a Turnover of 12.90 Billion TL and an Operating Profit of 1,538,106,337 TL.
Investment Power
Bera Holding Made an Investment of 343.5 Million TL in 2023.
Huge Contribution to the Country's Economy
Bera Holding Reached an Export Figure of 87.5 Million Dollars to 112 Different Countries in 2023.
Bera Holding Continues Its Contribution to Employment with 3,726 Personnel in 2023.
Production Area
Bera Holding continues its activities in a total of 21 companies and 30 facilities in 11 provinces, 3 countries and 9 main sectors.
Companies Abroad
Bera Holding continues its overseas production with investments in Romania and Hungary.
The need of companies for community trust, the need for companies that they can trust in their society will never change.
We aim to build a livable Corporate Culture with our Openness, Transparency, Accountability, Integrity and Ethical values.
Bera Holding attaches great importance to the disclosure of its financial and non-financial information to its shareholders, shareholders, employees, customers, domestic and international suppliers, in brief, to all stakeholders of the society and to the general public. We keep all information about the Holding on its website and inform the public through Annual Activity Reports, Press Releases and KAP Announcements.
var day_data = [ {"elapsed": "2019", "value": 2252000000},{"elapsed": "2020", "value": 2820000000},{"elapsed": "2021", "value": 4210000000},{"elapsed": "2022", "value": 8590000000},{"elapsed": "2023", "value": 12900000000},]; Morris.Line({ element: 'graph', data: day_data, xkey: 'elapsed', ykeys: ['value'], labels: ['Deger'], parseTime: false });
Revenues Report From 2019 to 2023, our operating revenues has increased by 473% in the last 5 years.
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